Wednesday, July 27, 2005


TT Training - Heat Index 120

Got a note from BJ that said some of the team were going to start at the Redmill Store
and practice on their TT bikes for this weekends TT. Heck I ride out there every Wednesday anyway, so I put the clipons on the Six13 and rode down there to meet 'em. I'm no time trialist but I need miles in that position for my next ultra races.

A group of 5 of us went out and did a nice 25-30 miles on the uncrowded roads of rural Pungo. During the 18 miles back the I really started to feel the heat, especially when stopped at red-lights. Turns out the heat index was the high of the year at 120. Got back home just in time to cool off and shower. 65-70 miles in before 11AM, it was a good day!!

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