Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Decisions, Decisions
More people are vacating the Trans-Iowa Race. I haven't kept exact count, but I'd have to say over 10% of the 70 person field has withdrawn. The most interesting explanation was by one of the (only) 7 finishers last year. "I'm just feeling too good to do it again." or sumthin like that. Unfortunately my training plans have encountered a serious obstacle. Shouldn't keep me out of the race if all goes well. More on that later.
Speaking of TI - It looks like some folks are building up some freaky lite bikes for the race. Can't wait to see all the different rides out there. If I had to choose right now I'd say I'm taking the cross bike. Tire choice might have to be a game day decision. I'd like to say I'm man enough to ride the PIG (woops I mean RIG), but I don't know for sure. Haven't totally ruled out the EPIC either. May take the CX bike and the EPIC up there then decide. Still have some testing to do. Even have one top secret bike in the works.............. just have to polish some more chrome.Results are up for the TT. TriPower women kicked some major a$$. The rest of the team (except me) did great also. We had 3 guys come in within' 7 seconds of each other at just over an hour. Shite man, that's fast anytime, but this early in the year with less than ideal conditions it's incredible. Liz got second place and put and entry on her blog about the gender thing. They screwed up and gave me a DNS instead of a DNF, but what's one letter? Shoulda been a DFA - "Did Flat Again".
Was really achin' for a good ride outside this AM. 41 degrees, 10-12 mph NW winds, and rain at 5:30 didn't make it look very likely. Got dressed up anyway and piddled around waiting for the rain to stop. It slowed to a drizzle, but didn't let up. Went and got the trainer out of the trunk where it's been since Sunday. Just as I was about to put the bike on it it looked like the rain had stopped so I said what the heck, and went outside and rode. Then the rain increased. Got wet, cold and dirty, but it was worth it. Just didn't have the mindset to get on the trainer.
Gonna be colder tomorrow, but I'll be out getting my
As far as what bike to ride...
I would ride a mnt bike with 1.95 or something on the skinnier side. First and foremost you want to be comfortable and have durable equipment.
Super skinny tires + gravel roads in the Spring = FLAT TIRES!!!
Good luck at Quachita this weekend.
And good to hear from you Paddy, hope all is going well.
the snow is finally melting, the sun is out, all of my gear is coming together for the coming season, my base training is way up from yrs past...it's all good, kinda wish I would've thought ahead about Ouchita..that would be a fun little race to giv'r at...oh well. those tires on your Cx look pretty stout, I'd say with non silly lite tubes and about 60-70psi, that'd would be the bike to take(of course w-out gears ;)) I ran 400gm 1.8 semi slicks last yr at 50psi w/ reg tubes at TI and all was well on the rolling front...either way, you've got a quiver of bikes to work with(it seems-not a bad thing at all), ride whichever bike you're most comfortable on, plan for the worst possible conditions, and hope for the best!
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