Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Remember Memorial Day

First a moment to remember all those who gave their lives in the name of our Nation and the ideals and values we hold dear. Especially Uncle JB, who lost his life in WW2. I never knew ya', but will never forget. I carry your name proudly.

Monday was my 5th day in a row on a bike. How sweet. Health is back (knock on wood). Now just chasing down some fitness. Out at 6AM to log some long steady miles. Maybe hook up with the "low 20's" group ride later. After two consecutive 4-5 hour days of sweet single track (more on those later) my brain wasn't ready for this mind-numbing flatness being back at the Beach. Some realizations during the first 3 hours of riding :

Figured the group would probably hit Blackwater around 9:30. But 3 hours of boring flatness was turning my brain to mush, so I went back to the bridge for some repeats to kill the monotony 'till they got there. Over, back.....over, back....... I was about to give up on 'em the third time over, then there they were going up as I was cruising down. Quick U-turn and back up after 'em.

Lots of folks out on the nice day. Art the (skinny) Dart had snapped a spoke on the way out. Didn't stop him from attacking on the way back over the bridge. The "low 20's" ride, morphed into a "easy ride out........rest in Blackwater..........hammer it back in at 25+++" ride. No shortage of strong riders here.

It was a great day to be out there. Mad props to Liz and MikeMc who did Mountains of Misery the day before and were still out there spinning the miles away. Lucy and Dag also completed the century ride. Jerry did the double metric. WTG.

Had a nice discussion about the Maslow thing and just how (or if) cycling can be an exercise self-actualization .

"Is chasing BAR points a self-actualizing experience?"

"Almost certainly not................

unless you get the jersey." lol


Got out at 6AM today for my 6th day in a row on a bike. A few solo loops with some threshold repeats up and down Shore Dr. The weekend and yesterday's ride, combined with tonight's crit seems to have taken it's toll on the 7:15er............I saw only 4 in the group as they headed up Atlantic.



This place looks like Iowa--I agree w/ you that it's uninspiring after being in mts.
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